
Posts tagged with :ballot_box_with_ballot:

#10-days-in-public day 3/10 more updates on the polistat website im making for my class! (see previous posts for more details) today was mostly bug hunting, and i also improved the map a little bit. we also got it up on the school’s website (a bit too early actually! cuz the site’s not fully complete yet 😅) i gotta grind for the next couple of days to finish it up! polistat.mbhs.edu
#10-days-in-public day 2/10 today i kept working on the polistat website for my class (see my day 1 post for more info) — the website’s going to have state and candidate descriptions for each senate and governor race, and we got everyone in the class to write md files. i set up an mdx file system that pulls md files w/ react components and renders pages for them. i spent some time today parsing through the files and fixing formatting errors that the class made 😅 im expecting the website to go live this weekend 😁
#10-days-in-public day 1/10 i finished some core features to the polistat website project i’ve been working on! our political statistics class is modeling the 2022 midterms and i’ve been tasked to make the interactive website for the whole class :)) — today i added a feature that pulls the latest prediction data and page markdown content from an external github repo as a cms. (the predictions in this screenshot is from example data)
https://cloud-ksltprwfe.vercel.app/0image_from_ios.png https://cloud-ksltprwfe.vercel.app/1image_from_ios.png
I’m volunteering at the polls today!! Please vote if you can!! Make sure your family votes!! My sticker fell off right before I took the picture but oh well. 🇺🇸
https://cloud-hra2y3jn3.vercel.app/0image_from_ios.jpg https://cloud-hra2y3jn3.vercel.app/1image_from_ios.jpg
turned 18 and celebrated by registering to vote!
It's election season in SG, so I decieded to do more research into SG politics today. Here are some photos of election posters: