We’re finally able to share the high level schematic for the board (we have many more lower levels to the schematic hierarchy)!! A huge shoutout to our team @jc @HenryBass-U02KEJ8T6D8 @Cheru, and @NilaRam for ALL the hard work we put in this week!!:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: 🔥 Also a huge shoutout to everyone who helped us, fed us, and housed us (@ThomasStubblefield + @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0) this week. Thank you to @KaraMassie and @msw for coordinating with us, and helping us through the logistics for this project. Thanks @NickyCase, @malted, @kognise, @belle, @karina) for hanging out with us this week, and keeping our spirits high. Next sprint we plan to write a programmable multilayer convolution layer NN using wavelet transforms. Stay tuned for our progress next sprint (December 26th-1st), and come to our demo day on New Year’s day if you’re around (or tune in via zoom). Thanks everyone who joined and participated in this channel, and follow our Twitter so see the memes we post from the week (OpenAI board memes, touching grass, team sink + more😁). 3-2-1 MMI!!!!!!!
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🇨🇦 Hack The North 2023! @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0, @fayd and I teamed up to make :goose-dance: Hack The Geese :goose-honk-left:! It was a game that attendees could play using the QR codes on their badges. Here’s how’d it work: 1. You’d scan your badge’s QR code to log in. 2. Your find someone who you’d like to compete against and scan their badge’s QR code. 3. You’d both receive a prompt, eg. “take a selfie with a someone with blue hair”. 4. You’d race to take a fun picture based on the prompt before the other player does. 5. You either win or lose, then you got to choose wether or not to rematch! You can go to to see all the photos that folks took during demos with the game (and many more of me stressing over the backend)! We used a slightly cursed combination of a Next.js frontend and a backend written in Go which interacted with one another through Websockets…. yeah, very cursed and very jank. We also used Vercel’s new Postgres & Blob storage services which were surprisingly good. And, of course, we used Prisma…. including it’s slightly hacky spin-off Go client. Another awesome part of the game was @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0’s custom designed geese (GEESE!): :htn-goose-1: :htn-goose-2: :htn-goose-3: :htn-goose-4: :htn-goose-5: :htn-goose-6: :htn-goose-7: :htn-goose-8: :htn-goose-9: :htn-goose-10: Every player got one of these made for them when they first signed! The game was a bunch of fun to play IRL and we had people playing it throughout the demo session. Attached is a sick selfie of @fayd in his sunnies and the judge! And at the end of the day, somehow, we were selected as winners so we got to demo on stage and won a couple of prizes which was pretty cool! Here’s us playing a game with all the attendees and a couple of other photos from the weekend (including us working on the project while on #hack-night!). The GitHub is full of more photos and stories from the weekend: O CANADA!
experimentation / ui fun. ty for sketch @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0 In life we're always learning. Testing things, learning from mistakes & from feedback, experimenting, and having fun is life. Life is good 🙂
Camera working in application, new Table (was being thrown away from TH, so I offered to take it), and API now being hosted from @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0 ‘s old laptop
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started a new mini-project w/ @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0 (just for fun) Called: Site Stash :catjam: What is it? Time will tell. (application icon by Dieter)
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Today @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0, @ParkerEstes-U04JBGJ1UQZ, and I filmed a short background video for the Carolina Hacks website. The video is quite fun 😄 (full props to Dieter for the awesome editing & filming of the video) I also setup continuous API calls to get updated messages within Unifriend. We also created an Add/Remove API for events & hobbies in addition to a Start a Convo API.
Made a bunch of progress today! Plan to ship tonight (hopefully apple approves in the next 48 hours or so 🤞) & hike tomorrow Huge shout out to my friend Dieter (@ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0) for collaborating w/ me on this project.